Monday, June 2, 2014

What are eye floaters?

                                                             OCULAR FLOATERS

Floaters are spots, specks or "cobwebs" that drift in your vision and are usually noticed on a bright white background,  or a sunny day.  While they can be very annoying, ordinary eye floaters and spots are very common and are not cause for alarm.

Floaters and spots that appear in your vision typically appear when the gel-like structure inside the eye begins to liquefy and allowing particles to float around entering your field of sight.  The gel-like structure is call the vitreous.

Majority of eye floaters are benign, but can be very annoying for the patient.  After time, they may improve, but will always remain inside the eye.  Most of the time people learn to live with floaters and ignore them.

Even though majority of floaters are not serious, sometimes they can be a sign of a serious eye condition.  You should always seek medical attention if you have a new floater, sudden increase of new floaters or associated flashes of light.  This could be a sign of a retinal detachment, retinal tear or bleeding within the eye.  If you have any questions about floaters, feel free to give us a call.

Better Vision Optometric Center, PA
Owen Drive 910-323-3698
Ramsey Street 910-488-0211

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