Thursday, January 30, 2014

National Glaucoma Awareness month

Glaucoma is defined as a group of diseases that steal sight from an individual without any warning. Over three million Americans have Glaucoma, while only half know about it. Regular and consistent eye exams are the key to protecting your vision from damage caused by glaucoma.
Everyone is at risk for glaucoma. Some groups have a greater risk to developing this disease, such as: African-Americans, people over 60, people who have family members with Glaucoma, Hispanics in older age groups, Asians, steroid users, and individuals who have had a previous eye injury. It doesn't matter who you are, you could still be affected and have the need to undergo treatment.
When an individual is diagnosed with Glaucoma, the treatment varies. Some treatments may include medication, while others use prescription eye drops. Other times, surgery is required in hopes to lower the pressure in the eye and prevent further damage.  The earlier Glaucoma is diagnosed, the better chance you have of preserving your vision.
We are dedicated to helping you maintain healthy eyes. Please contact us today to set-up an appointment.

Better Vision Optometric Center, P.A.
910-323-3698 Owen Drive location
910-488-0211 Ramsey Street location